
How can we help?

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FAQs - Trading Information

These are examples of our customers frequently asked questions:

  • When Day-Trade Margins Apply?
  • What time does the Market Close?
  • Day-Trade Margins apply during the US Overnight Session?

FAQs - Account Management

These are examples of our customers frequently asked questions: 

  • How long does it take to open an AMP Account?
  • What documents are required to open an account?
  • Where do I view daily trade statements?
"AMP Help Desk Agent" just helped me get my trading platform running and I could not have got no one to be any more helpful. He is an asset to the clients of AMP and to AMP. Thank you "AMP Help Desk Agent" and thanks to AMP.

We were setting up a demo account and were not able to access. "AMP Help Desk Agent" was extremely helpful in setting up our Demo account and getting our Live account back in working order. Thank you very much!

I was working with "AMP Help Desk Agent" and I have to say, he was unbelievable. I worked with may support staff but he was by far superior. I ask you give him a leg up/promotion, raise bonus, etc. because I have a trading group all switching to AMP.